Thanks so much for presenting at the Wyoming Rural Electric Association annual meeting. I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation! I found the content inspirational and motivating. It made me want to work even harder to be a better person! I look forward to reading The Try and seeing how I can apply it to my everyday life.
Thanks so much for presenting at the Wyoming Rural Electric Association annual meeting. I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation! I found the content inspirational and motivating. It made me want to work even harder to be a better person! I look forward to reading The Try and seeing how I can apply it to my everyday life.
Lorrell Walter
Public Relations Manager
Pine Bluffs, Wyoming
(307) 245-4337 - Office
(315) 427-5612 - Cell

Public Relations Manager
Pine Bluffs, Wyoming
(307) 245-4337 - Office
(315) 427-5612 - Cell
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