I wish I had taken the Standing Tall program when my children were small. I would surly have been a much better mother, and would have better prepared my children to face the world we live in today.
I believe exposure to the challenge of living the Code in grade school, with a Jr. High and/or High School “refresher” would inspire our young people to emulate the code, rather than aspiring to be like the frequently ethically challenged pop stars and sports figures they are bombarded with in today’s culture.
Parents, teachers, and anyone who works with children could greatly enhance their skills, so that we can all “train up” our children with the values they need to be the best they can be.
It was inspiring to see how the “Code” spread through-out the school in Cherry Creek. How uplifting it is to realize that good can spread as quickly as evil and apathy. We just need to light the flame. Thanks for striking the match.
Vicki Million Hughes
Associate Broker
#1 Properties
1660 Dell Range Blvd.
Cheyenne, WY 82009
The only job that can demean you is the job you don’t do to the BEST of your ability.
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